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Ransomware has grown into one of the bigger threats an IT organization faces nowadays. Although a lot has been said on how best to deal with it, it’s never really the full picture.
A lot of sysadmins out there who’ve had to deal with cleaning up the mess from a ransomware related incident know what a nightmare it can turn out to be.
Don’t be a victim yourself!
Whether you’re looking to learn some additional protection techniques, or your learning about Ransomware for the first time, we’ve got a great webinar coming up for you!
Join Andy Syrewicze from Altaro Software and Luke Orellana (an experienced ransomware warrior) from Trivalent Group Inc. as they take you through the basics, recognizing an infection, mitigation strategies and real-life case studies of how ransomware incidents were tackled.
And, as always, we open up the floor for Q&A!
Equip yourself with some new knowledge a get some peace of mind by knowing that you’ll be better prepared if ransomware strikes and all of your organization’s sensitive data is on the line.
Watch the Webinar

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