How to Back Up Hyper-V Host Configuration Settings
28 Oct 2020 by Brien PoseyAlthough most Hyper-V admins meticulously back up their virtualized environments, these backups may sometimes focus on the virtual machines themselves, rather than on the underlying Hyper-V infrastructure. Even so, having...
Backup and Recovery Tricks using Windows Task Scheduler
28 Oct 2020 by Symon PerrimanTask Scheduler is a built-in Windows utility which does not often get the respect it deserves as a powerful automation engine. Although it only has a few features, Task Scheduler’s...
Configuring Network Prioritization for Cluster Backup and Recovery
28 Oct 2020 by Symon PerrimanOne of the most underutilized features in Windows Server Failover Clustering is the ability to configure and prioritize network traffic of Hyper-V virtual machines (VMs) and their applications. This is...
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